KOPI DAY...series of mini gathering....
Email: jmimuslim@yahoo.com
Frendster: www.friendster.com/jmimuslim
It was a simple idea invented by a group of like minded ppl.... it starts as one day we were chatting and eating at our fav. waterhole...around KL area and suddenly we were into this gathering thing.... how we enjoyed our time in inter school gatherings like prefect gatherings, librarians, Interact club etc..etc... then.. we had real fun...going frm one school to anothr.... enjoying life at the mean time getting to knw more frenz.....
now that we hv grown up... bz with work... family..and life.... we forget to appreciate our frenz, frendship and also we limit ourselves between frenz we already hv.... so we decided to hv one specific day where ppll frm all walk of come together to hv fun and get networking.... And Woila...!!! we call it KOPI DAY......since we love coffea sooo much.... Now, after jz 3 months... KD series is known nationwide via word of mouth frm KD attandees and also via Internet. We hv achievd unimaginable with vry much limitd resources. WE ARE JMImuslim thats short for JOINT MALAYSIAN INDIANMUSLIM.
::KopiDay:: 18 October 2008::
Also known as KD1 was held at Old Town White Coffea, Jln Yap Kwan Seng.... attended by 30 some ppl..... girls participation wz jz 3......! bt we had real fun there.... we start with roll calll where every1 give a short inro bout them... n then some simple games.... then we had makan time.... finally we give out some momentoes to those who did well in games.....
KD1 pictures could be veiwed by clicking HERE
::KOPI DAY SERIES 2:: 2nd November 2008::
The second installment was held jz two weeks aftr the KD1 and yet wz attended by close to 70 ppl... The venue wz ABC Restaurant in Jln Masjid India. We book the whole of upper floor for the event. This time we follow the benchmark set on KD1 but made some improvment. Startd with rollcall.... icebreaking.... ascended to games..
We decided to stick with the same game as in KD1 where each participant come forward and choose a rolled chit frm a bowl and follow the intsruction there.... But we had more variety in the chits... we give out awards to best performers, best outfits and KD2 OVERALL WINNER. Overall winner wz Bro Maddy. It starts to grow in numbers...
KD2 pictures could be veiwedHERE
::KOPI DAY SERIES-3::4th jANUARY 2009::
New year...new resolution...and New Look on KD3....
since we get more response frm ppl around and their excitement about going to kopi day series... we had clear picture that upcoming KD3 going to boom.... so decided to get bigger, bettr venue. Easy transportation... more variety in foods, classy environment... and above all venue provider who willing to work with us for the success of KD3. So, we choose.. Kabul Restaurant, Sooka Sentral in KL SENTRAL. And what damn good decision wz that... Attended by close to 150 ppl.... more games like Mind Games, Treasure Hunt, Rapid Fire Quizes... since the bigger crowd, we split them into unique groups, where frendz and BFFs were randomly splitted..This made them interact with new frendz.... Bond more friendship among our ppl....wich is exactly our aim... "Networking While Enjoying". We also slotted in short 10 minutes speechs between each games. We prepard three speakers for the event: Bro Farid frm Belia Permim, Bro Feroz Khan and Bro AdamHassan frm JMImuslim.
We had 4 fantastic hosts in the form of Don_Fir, KK@Aliyar, AshikBinafsha, PrincessofR. This Event was so succesful that ppl start talking about KD4 already..... hope these gaths keep moving to more states rather than circling around Klang Valley. And there is some arrangement going on about launching KD4 at northern region. InsyaAllah....
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